Dust 514 Game

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It was such an incredible game, especially for one that was developed on a soon-to-be outdated console. I spent a lot of time playing both Eve and Dust at the same time, traveling to planets in Eve that we were fighting on in Dust to do orbital strikes.CCP has really high ambitions and they try their asses off, but it fails horribly. If Dust had been done correctly (not PS3 exclusive) they could have gone much farther with it. They're trying to diversify their income and go beyond the only thing they're good at - Eve. To date, not a single side game CCP has produced has lived up to expectations.You should check out Eve Valkyrie, it's on PS4 and PC. It seems to be the only game that broke CCP's curse, but since it's creation CCP has backed off heavily of the VR department, and if I'm not mistake they sold off Valkyrie to a different studio (I don't pay attention or understand how it works).

Dust 514 was announced on August 18, 2009 at the Game Developers Conference in Cologne, Germany and was introduced with a short trailer featuring realtime footage of the game. This game will be the first game developed by CCP since Eve Online, and was developed by CCP's Shanghai studio. During the Closed Beta, DUST 514 and EVE online's servers were officially connected; on January 10, 2013.

It's extremely hard to be competitive against other player's if you don't have a VR set, but it's still entertaining.I'm patiently awaiting any little bit of information regarding Dust/Legion/Nova. It's been a few years since they closed down Dust, and so far the most information we've received was Hilmar saying 'We're working on it' at Fanfest last year. This message was delivered shortly before the whole VR department getting the boot, so hopefully this upcoming Fanfest we get good news (maybe two sentences regarding Nova!!!). I guess I'd prefer the silence or very brief talk on Nova rather than hear that another project is being scrapped. Dust is still one of my favorite games to date, and I sunk many hours into it. It had endless potential, especially when you tie it into the Eve universe. Not actually tying it to the Eve universe (well, you never know.) but having more to do with the immortal capsuleers in space.

I've always dreamed of storming a squid infested station/ihub and fighting the battle alongside my Federation brothers over control of a system in Faction Warfare.Edit - grammar. The funding they received from sony to make it meant that it had to be a playstation exclusive.one actually cool part of ccp's business model for the side projects they tried was that they'd tend to partner with another entity, mainly for funding (dust514: sony online entertainment, oculus: valkyrie, some mobile game company: some mobile game no one will play).

Not sure about gunjack. Both oculus and SOE money were in exchange for device exclusivity, though somehow valkyrie got onto the other VR brands several months later.unfortunately, dust514 came out 12-18mo later than it was supposed to, being released to the ps3 just six months before the ps4 release, with hype/anticipation for the ps4 in full swing. Rip dust.for the new FPS, ccp's partering with a studio called sumo digital, so at least that is a sign that they are seriously committed to making it. Everyone is quick to point out about it being a PS3 exclusive and not on PC as it's downfall, but that was not the core problem. It was simply a very poor FPS game compared to a very large and competitive market that is FPS games.

Near the end it was lukewarm at best. Even it being free to play, players prefered to play Call of Duty, Modern Warfare or Battlefield. Hell there was at least a couple dozen other FPS games out there that simply did the job better. The only aspect about Dust that gave it an edge was it had a very light connection with another game - EVE. But as a Dust player they couldn't care less about some other game.

Dust 514 game for pc

No one played it help out that other game that was not just someone who was already playing EVE. The gun play was bad, connection, balancing and general controls just bad. I played it off and on as it was being developed and finally stopped, not because I was not good at it, but because it just was not a fun, satisfying experience.

It was simply poorly developed. It felt 15 years behind the curve on what a FPS game should be.

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DUST 514 is a console-based MMOFPS set within the Eve universe, developed by CCP Games. It was announced on August 18, 2009 at the Game Developers Conference in Cologne, Germany and was introduced with a short trailer featuring realtime footage of the game. This game will be the first game developed by CCP since Eve Online, and it is currently being developed by CCP's Shanghai studio. According to Hilmar Veigar Petursson, the CEO of CCP Games, the game is being developed for the seventh generation of video game consoles (Playstation 3) - from.Subreddits:. unofficial Reddit EVE Corp. True skates hockey. unofficial Reddit DUST 514 Corp.