Metroid Prime Hunters Unlockables
This page contains Metroid Prime: Hunters cheats, hints, walkthroughs and more for Nintendo DS. This game has been made by Nintendo and published by Nintendo at Mar 20, 2006. Metroid Prime: Hunters was made in 'Sci-Fi First-Person Shooter' genre and have 'teen' as SRB rating.
This glitch works with any hunter. At the either end of the hall in combat hall, you can go through the walls with the pipes with a push of a missle.You start off by charging a missle.
Go to the end of the hall closer to the jump-pad. Run backwards on the pipe, staying close to the wall on your right.Still walking backwards, look down at a 45 degree angleand let go of the fire button. If done right, you should jump NorthEast and you will land on an invisble platform. If you dont want to fall to your doom, you should shoot around at the platform with a power beam to see how big the platform is.You can shoot people outside the glitch but they cant shoot you. You can do the same thing on the other side of the hall, but you have to jump NorthWest and the platform there is smaller. Watch out for Trace Abusers though, they can shoot through the walls in certain places with the Imperilast if you wanna know how to do that, check out forgot 1 thing you can only do the missle push glitch when you are playing a 2-player match or else there wont be any pipes.
This can only be done in either Survivor mode or MultiPlayer on the Survivor level:Top of Level / Invisible Walls: When you start off, take an immediate right. Let the pad launch you to the top ledge thingy, and don't move while it launches you. Get on the flat part of the bow lookin thing and turn into a morph ball. Set all three of your bombs while staying perfectly still. Right when they start to go off, unmorph, and you will go flying REALLY high. At the very peak of your launch, jump and push the D-Pad towards the ledge.
Both titles will be heading to PS4 and Xbox One in 'spring 2020' and a Switch version of Commandos 2 will arrive at the same time. The Praetorians beta will also include a multiplayer mode.The Commandos 2 and Praetorians HD remasters will be available to purchase individually when they release on 24th January next year, and there's also a on Kalypso's store. The beta versions will feature revamped tutorials, access to each game's campaign missions and skirmish maps, plus 'high definition sheen'. Commandos 2. Both games are set to receive a pre-release beta on PC from 13th December this year, and anyone that pre-orders from Kalypso's store will be eligible to play.
You will be able to walk up a steep slope, and fall down a big, roofless hole in the ceiling. Now you are back in the level, except you can only see the monsters and the walls of the side you came from. It's helpful to use the radar to walk around in here.Side Wall:Go the same way as you did the first time, except when you are on the caged floor, do not step on the pad. Keep going and hop onto the very thin ledge running alongside the wall.
Morph into the ball. Use the previous technique to get onto the top of the wall from there. Run on top of that towards the slanted hill. Jump to try and land on it, but you'll realize that there is nothing solid there, it is where the program stops telling the game to put walls. Instead you'll land on a flat beam.
You can run out to the edge of this, and just missile, beam, and lob the heck out of your enemies down on the lower or parallel floor. If they eventually find out where you are, it will not matter, as they can't harm you, you can only get them.Top of the Towers: Follow the direction in the first glitch, and step on the pad. Jump off of the block, and run onto one of the perpendicular sides of the level, one that has those big towers. Use the morph bomb trick to make your way nearly to the top. You can eventually get on the top of one of those slanted beams, and get a bird's eye view of all of your foes sitting there, wondering who the heck is shooting them.Remember not to abuse these too much, because a good gamer does not camp the whole match using these glitches.
Particularly the second one is really cheap, because you cannot die at all. So be a good gamer and get out there in the middle of the fight and don't be scared to die a few times. This Will Only happen to some people. Go to the Celstial Arc.
After beating the game. Find a room with two hunters in it( will only happen about 19.12834% of the time!) and fight them Shoot the wall you want to walk through with The Judicator, then the Magmaul, then the Battlehammer(battlehammer it about 5 times!) then as the last battlehammer shot hits,(the exact instant!) you must walk into the wall. It is a super glitch that will either kill you or get you away from the other hunters!