Aerofly Fs 2 Flight Simulator Demo

Aerofly Fs 2 Flight Simulator Demo Average ratng: 5,0/5 5433 votes

The flight simulator for the next generation. Aerofly FS is available for many different platforms. Check that your computer, phone or tablet matches the minimum system requirements prior to purchasing Aerofly.

I disagree, sorry. The VR people (generation 2) are just like generation 1 (my time), they are in it for the 'Gee whiz' factor and quickly lose interest once a better 'Gee whiz' is released.If IPACS released a VR demo it would be popular as heck, for a while. Why pony up $50 bucks when you have a free demo to 'Gee whiz' over? Seriously folks, no one has had a bad thing to say about this sim's VR. If the praise is universal and consistent, why not believe those people?Humans, particularly Americans, feel as if these things should be free. If you make it free they will never step up to the plate.-When I first told people in the X-Plane world (v7) that I was going to make a payware MD-80 set, I was met with viscious derision, with old timers telling me, in forums, that they would disassemble my work, reverse engineer it, and place it for free download amongst the masses. Not a peep from Austin Meyer either (while constantly pleading for users to report ANY of the same actions against HIS sim).

Aerofly fs 2 flight simulator demo free

Writing was on the wall at that time.I ended up selling a little over 260 copies, whilst thousands were being used concurrently at any given time. And I disagree with you.

The eyes of ara: ios walkthrough. FlyInside provides a 15 min demo. It was enough to confirm that the software did what it claimed and worked with my configuration and peripherials. I happily purchased it as have many others.

Plenty of people have purchased Aerofly 2 and refunded because it didn't work out for them. The dev also doesn't have the greatest of reputations with their previous title.

So, as much as I would love to see that this one will work, I'm not buying it sight unseen.The software company that I work for provides a 7 day demo. Since its introduction, sales have tripled because people have been able to confirm that our product does what it claims.A short demo might be enough to give some people that 'gee whiz' feeling as you say it, but this is a niche product targeted towards sim enthusiasts. We've demonstrated time and again that we are willing to invest in our hobby. But VR is new and titles so far have been very hit or miss. That includes Aerofly 2 judging by the not-as-unanimous-accolades that you claim this sim has.A demo would go a long way towards aleviating any concerns. I was speaking generally of course.

Aerofly Fs 2 Flight Simulator Demo

There is a small minority of people who do exactly as they say. Thank you, you are a rare one indeed.:)In a software environment where refunds are NOT allowed, a demo is helpful. Steam though destroyed that situation by offering refunds.IMHO, IPACS was unfairly railroaded because they chose to protect their work through a very restrictive program, frowned upon now. Then though, they did what they had to do.

If they hadn't I feel we probably wouldn't have FS2 to enjoy now.:). And I continue to disagree with a demo. You have questions about the game? Read the forums. Read the reviews.

Watch a few videos. Ask some questions.

Spend a few moments to do some research, and we would have less people startled because the whole world isn't covered in high-def, or some other silly complaint.It's like what's happening with no man's sky right now. A lot of people trying to run the game without even meeting the minimum system requirements, then racing onto the forums to yell 'This game sux!

My suggestion to people is, before blowing the last $49 in the piggy bank, set aside 15 minutes to do some proper due diligence. Yeah, sorry, you'll have to pick a better example to use than No Man's Sky. 65% of the first day reviews were negative and numbered in the thousands. Not meeting the minimum specs was not the cause, as demonstrated by TotalBiscuit's live stream. As for watching videos on YouTube, they cannot convey resolution and immersion.As for your remark about the whole world map, the bounds of the availalbe area are clear in the product description.Keep on playing the role of blind fan boi. You'll just drive more potential purchasers away. Civilization ii windows 10. Originally posted by:Yeah, sorry, you'll have to pick a better example to use than No Man's Sky.

65% of the first day reviews were negative and numbered in the thousands. Not meeting the minimum specs was not the cause, as demonstrated by TotalBiscuit's live stream.And the creators have stated they traced a large number of those reviews to people with machines below system specs (like laptops) or people using intel video, which was not supported. Also was the issue of people using out of date drivers. DLL issues crashing the game on startup were traced largely to out of date DirectX and Visual C drivers. People seeing a big E on startup? Click the E.The simple fact is that while there are legitimate issues, an awful lot of the problems were on the user side and people rushing to join the lets all scream real loud bandwagon instead of taking a deep breath, waiting a bit, and using their heads. Originally posted by:I disagree, sorry.

The VR people (generation 2)Humans, particularly Americans, feel as if these things should be free. If you make it free they will never step up to the plate.-(and making a VR demo won't be worth it either)Thanks for at least trying to develop a product for xplane. I am Thankful there are people like you.Dont just say Americans want it free, I see it in Google play downloads from all over Gods earth where NO SINGLE country is singled out. I cant tell peoples ages, but everyone thinks they need something for free at least the younger people and welfare people do anyways.