Hacknet Change Ip

Hacknet Change Ip Average ratng: 4,2/5 3801 votes

Configures the script so that Hacknet knows who is being aimed at and who is attacking. PlayerComp Literally just 'playerComp', don't change this. ComputerName The name or IP of the computer that is executing the script. Delay Time to wait after in seconds. Delay Pause execution of the script. Delay Time to delay in seconds. Why Hacknet Is The Best PC Game You Haven't Played - Duration: 4:29. How to change your IP address in Windows 10 - Duration: 3:36. Robert McMillen Recommended for you.

  • v1.2.0 update new CSEC Route, this should be the fastest route now.
  • v1.3.0 update Found a way to skip Naix's hack
  • v1.3.5 Route updates to skip getting eosdevicescanner and Faster Sequencer
  • v1.4.0 2 Optimisations to the route, Route changes have been marked by [Route Change]
  • tintin7 - First eOS hack mission
  • 4991 - X-C Project
  • warsix22 - Smash N' Grab
  • ABX07cc9 - CSEC invitation password
  • texas - Admin Password for the Death Row Records Database
  • techtonic - Admin Password Academic Records
  • AAX1BB7 - Registration ID Mission (Compromise an eOS Device) CASE SENSITIVE
  • dx122DX - Decrypt password for TraceKill
  • d88vAnnX - Prometheus Admin Password.
  • murloc33 - nstanford's email password.
  • h7ggNKl2 - ROmulus passwd
  • ax889msjA - Contractor Server[RANDOM]
  • byC89kMMe - rc email password (entech)
  • v19328hQ9 - Mainframe Access Emergency
  • PortHack -> ~6s 246mb
  • SSH 22 -> ~7s 242mb
  • SQL_MemCorrupt 1433 -> ~11s 350mb
  • SMTP MailServer 25 -> ~12s 356mb
  • HTTP WebServer 80 -> ~14s 208mb
  • FTP Server 21 -> ~17s 210mb
  • KBTporttest ~22s 400mb
  • Shell -> 0s 40mb
  • See my spreadsheet for more info https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NiU6d1f8DUgNitP4I5siQUvn84-xYNZEB4OaOiUs2LY/edit?usp=sharing
  • - Entropy Test Server (Sequence Break) Unfortunately the password is random.
  • - Naix's Root Gateway.
  • - Proxy Node (Delete Macrosoft raid file)

All runs revolve around executing porthack on the Heart as fast as possible.


  • Looking at your save data and using that info is strictly prohibited.
  • No guessing of randomized variables.
    • (i.e. The Entropy Test Server's Admin password is randomized (non-static), Naix's root gateway's ip is static (always the same).)


  • Looking at your save data and using that info is strictly prohibited.
  • No guessing of randomized variables.
  • Cheater's Stash (1337.1337.1337.1337) & Credit Server ( are not allowed to be used.


  • Looking at your save data and using that info is strictly prohibited.
  • No guessing of randomized variables.
  • Cheater's Stash (1337.1337.1337.1337) & Credit Server ( are not allowed to be used.
  • In order to use a passwords or IPs it must have been on-screen prior to using it.
  • No sequence breaks.
Hacknet how to change ip

[Route Change]

  • When the X appears on the top left click it
  • Wait for your mouse cursor to appear -> Hit Enter
  • Log back into the game
  • connect
  • porthack (If you did this fast enough the credit server will be hacked in the next phase)
  • spam PS to find the PID of the tutorial


  • Click on your PC, Click SCAN
  • Click on the new node that appeared.
  • kill [number]
  • Go to the credit's server node, cd bin/, download hacks, shell.
  • shell your own pc
  • connect
  • Overload + SSH Hack on Entropy Test Server [PROXY]
  • cd home, scp E + shell
  • reply
  • Slash-bot node
  • Overload > SSH 22 > porthack [PROXY]
  • cd M > rm co.s > shell
  • reply mail
  • Visit the entropy asset server login and reply.

Point Clicker

  • Node > SMTP & SSH > porthack > cd PointClicker/Saves > rm Mengsk.pcsav > shell > reply

X-C Project

  • reply with: 4991

Back to School

  • Reply with: ******* (7 times a *)

Random Mail Mission

  • Go to Entropy asset server and download eosDeviceScan from /bin/ > shell
  • Open mail eOS Device Scanning > reply with tintin7

Smash N' Grab

  • reply with: warsix22


  • Node > overload x4 > close 2 shells > FTP > WEB > SSH > Porthack > cd /home/ > rm *
  • Insta quit out when you see the 'Session Saved' message (bottom left)

Naix Skip

  • continue
  • reply to mail
  • reply to next mail with:

[Route Change]
CSEC Intro

  • connect
  • solve chicken > Web & SMTP > porthack
  • Now reply to the mail with: ABX07cc9
  • Get the public drop IP on the next mail
  • /home/Ordering/ > scp SP1 > 'up' change 1 to 2 > public drop server
  • upload both > reply

[Route Change]
Locate or Create Decryption Software

  • connect

  • Overload, Solve breezer

  • FTP & WEB & SSH

  • SMTP & SQL (close shells)

  • porthack

  • Grab READ_All_Hackers.txt from Drop/Uploads/

  • connect

  • FTP & WEB & SSH, SQL & SMTP, porthack,

  • scp decypher.exe (Staff/A.Carey/) -> Crossroads Servers Tales of destiny 2 ps2.

  • porthack in,

  • Deycpher encrypt_source.dec

  • Decypher C_EXE_contact.dec quinnoq

  • scp encrypt_source.cs

  • scp C_EXE_contact.txt

  • scp FOF_Screenplay.doc


  • goto CSEC Public Drop Server

  • upload home/encrypt_source.cs

  • upload home/READ_All_Hackers.txt

  • upload home/C_EXE_contact.txt

  • reply to mail

Track an Encrypted File

  • Node, FTP, WEB, SSH, porthack, scp DECHead.exe (/home/work/) -> reply (* autocomplete on DECH)
  • reply with: beepbeep

Help an Aspiring Writer

  • connect
  • login admin/DANGER
  • cd home/scripts/
  • upload home/FOF_Screenplay.doc -> reply

Check out suspicious Server

  • insta-completeCompromise an eOS Device
  • reply with: AAX1BB7Decrypt a secure transmision
  • insta-complete

Bit's Disapearance

  • insta complete

Project Junebug

  • connect
  • FTP & Web & SSH -> SMTP, porthack, cd /projects/KellisBT/Tests/ > scp PacemakerFirmware_Cycle_Test.dll -> connect
  • KBTPortTest 104, porthack, cd /KBT_Pacemaker/ -> upload home/PackemakerFirmware_Cycle_Test.dll -> login EAdmin, tens86, activate PaceMakerFirmWare_Cycle_Test.dll -> Reply (Wait for heartrate to reach 0)


  • Reply (Skip Decyphering Tracekill not required)
  • reply with
  • connect
  • Login: admin / d88vAnnX -> scan eosDeviceScan -> scan -> Goto Entech01's ePhone -> You will get a new mail.
  • Go to the CSEC asset server (Node with a star) and download the sequencer
  • New mail will arrive automatically.
  • reply with ax889msjA
  • Entech Mail Server > login rc / byC89kMMe -> open mail: RE: Mainframe Access Emergency -> admin/v19328hQ9 -> reply to mail.
  • Sequencer -> Activate
  • ps note the sequencer PID
  • Kill the PID when you connect to the final server
  • DC and reconnect by using the IP
  • KBTPortTest 104
  • Overload
  • Close Shells
  • FTP 21 & Web 80 & SSH 22 > SMTP 25 > SQL 1433 > porthack
  • dir -> open up archive/hacknet type: rm 2 * -> rm 0 * -> rm 1 * -> dc -> reply.
  • Wait for bit mail -> Node -> porthack -> TIME! when console locks up (keep mouse over it).
  • When I type 'Node' in a walkthrough I mean the linked node in the mail you receive.
  • I've flagged Missions with Proxies & Firewalls, for ease in routing. (Stringing together as much Proxies in one go)
  • The IP for the Porthack.Heart changes with every game, as such we can't simply connect to it from the start of the game.
  • Total RAM is 761 MB, It's possible to run SSH, Web and FTP with 2 Shells. This is the fastest way to hack anything that requires 3 open ports.
  • In case of a 4 port hack, alternate with the fastest and biggest blocks.
  • KBTPortTest 104 is by far the slowest hack in the game and takes up the most RAM.
  • There's no 'Quick Kill' for the tutorial, the tutorial process isn't running when we can first type, proof video:
    • Actually I've managed to run a 'PS' command before the tutorial started by exiting and loading again, frame perfect skip maybe?
  • As for sequence breaks, I have not yet found a server that will trigger any of the emails for the final missions.

Point Clicker:

  • Node, SMTP & SSH, porthack, cd PointClicker/Saves, rm Mengsk.pcsav, done

The famous Counter-Hack [PROXY]

  • Node, Overload, SMTP & SSH, porthack, rm /home/WORKSPACE/SECURE_MAILLIST.dec, done

Back to School:

  • Send 7x* in reply [Heart%]
  • Do stuff [Heart%-secure]

X-C Project: [PROXY]

  • Go to node, overload, SSH, cat X/Personal/Penetrator_mk1.spec -> ID:4991

Beagle.com - Loose Ends

  • Go to node, SMTP & SSH, porthack, rm home/Archive_Data.zip -> Done

Enlightened Sutdios - Loose Ends

  • Go to node, SMTP & SSH, porthack, rm home/Archive_Data.zip -> Done

Smash N' Grab

  • Node, SMTP & SSH, porthack, eosDeviceScan, Login admin,alpine, eos/notes/pass.txt -> warsix22

Investigate a medical record [PROXY] [solve MEDICATE]

  • Node, Overload, Firewall (MEDICATE), FTP & SQL -> WebServerWorm & SMTP, PortHack, Access Records: Jonas Sandburg, Mail to: gila@jmail.com, done.

Teach an old dog new tricks [Int.Academic] [solve ACADEMIC] (John Stalvern // Manchester University // Masters in Digital Security // 4)

  • Node, Solve Academic, FTP & SQL -> WebServerWorm & SMTP, Porthack, Search: John Stalvern, EDIT: Manchester University, Masters in Digital Security, GPA 4 -> Done.

Locate or Create Decryption Software [solve ENCRYPT] (Acquires: Decrypt.exe)

  • Node, solve ENCRYPT, WebServerWorm & SQL_MemCorrupt, porthack, scan -> Next Node
  • FTP & SQL -> Web & SMTP -> SSH, porthack, scp decypher.exe (Staff/A.Carey/) -> Crossroads Servers
  • Decypher encrypt_source.dec (/home), scp encrypt_source.cs -> CSEC Public Drop Server
  • Upload /home/encrypt_source.cs -> Done

Remove a fabricated death row record solve AHSUNYAG

  • Node, login admin/texas -> rm Felman_Joseph[119080] (/dr_database/records/) -> done (* autocomplete on FELM)- OR -> solve AHSUNYAGFTP & SQL_MemCorruptWebServerWorm/home/SECURE/ProtectedFolder/AdminOnly/InternalMemo.txt (password)

Track an encrypted file (Acquires: DECHeader.exe)

  • Node, Web & SMTP -> SSH, porthack, scp DECHead.exe (/home/work/) -> Reply -> Part 2 (* autocomplete on DECH)
  • Crossroad Server, DECHead CSEC_encode_1.dec, connect
  • FTP & Web -> SQL, porthack, cat 3345633.log (/worklogs/) -> PW: beepbeep

Check out suspicious server (HoneyPot server with super fast track)

  • reply (seriously :P) (Really fast mission)

Wipe clean an academic record [solve ACADEMIC] (Jacob Stevens)

  • Node, login (admin/techtonic), search Jacob Stevens -> Delete -> Confirm -> Done- OR -> solve ACADEMIC,FTP & SQL ->WEB & SMTP/academic_data/admin.txt (for password)

Compromise an eOS Device (Reg Id: AAX1BB7)

  • Node, FTP & SSH -> Web & SMTP -> porthack -> eosDeviceScan ->
  • Elanor Helleran's ePhone 4S -> login admin/alpine -> cd eos/notes/ -> cat ids.txt -> Registration ID: AAX1BB7

Help an aspiring writer [solve DANGER]

  • Crossroads -> DECHead T2_Screenplay.dec -> scp FOF_Screenplay.doc -> connect (might be random)
  • solve DANGER -> SMTP & SSH -> porthack -> upload home/FOF_Screenplay.doc -> Done

Decrypt a secure transmision

  • Crossroads -> decypher C_EXE_contact.dec quinnoq -> scp C_EXE_contact.txt -> CSEC Public Drop Server
  • upload home/C_EXE_contact.txt -> Done

Add a Death Row record for a family member

  • This one is so slow, thanks to having to type out 2 enormous strings.
    • CSEC Asset Server -> Login -> home/template/deathrowrowdatabasetemplate/-> replace template.txt '[FIRST_NAME]#[LAST_NAME]#[RECORD_NUM]#32#Rural#N/A#N/A#N/A#[LAST_WORDS]' 'John#Boorman#42#32#Rural#N/A#N/A#N/A#I'm ready, Warden'-> mv template.txt Boorman_John[42]-> scp Boorman_John[42]
    • Deathrow database -> Login admin/texas -> cd /dr_database/records/ -> upload home/Boorman_John[42] -> Done.

[NEW] Investigate a CSEC member's disappearance [PROXY] [solve BREEZER]

  • Bitwise Test PC -> SSH -> Porthack -> Done
  • Bitwise Relay 01 -> FTP & WEB & SSH -> SQL -> home/home_base.txt connect (might be random)
  • Overload, Solve breezer -> FTP & WEB & SSH -> SMTP & SQL (close shells) -> porthack -> scp READ_all_hackers.txt (drop/uploads/)
  • CSEC Public Drop Server -> upload home/READ_all_hackers.txt -> Done

Project Junebug (pacemaker / EAdmin / tens86 ) [PROXY] [solve MEDICATE]

  • Universal Medical -> Overload, Firewall (SOLVE MEDICATE), FTP & SQL -> WEB & SMTP -> Search Elliot White -> connect
  • Solve Biogel -> FTP & Web & SSH -> SMTP -> scan -> (open #0E0015_-_Pacemaker_v2.44 etc) (Revels IP for a heart%-secured) is the revealed ip.
  • Go to scanned node -> solve BIOGEL -> SSH & Web & FTP -> SMTP, porthack, scp KBT_PortTest.exe (/Production/Output/) connect
  • FTP & Web & SSH -> SMTP, porthack, scp PacemakerFirmware_Cycle_Test.dll (/projects/KellisBT/Tests/) -> Secured% open up Eidolon_Security_Notes.txt (/projects/Internal/) -> connect
  • KBTPortTest, porthack, cd /KBT_Pacemaker/ -> upload home/PackemakerFirmware_Cycle_Test.dll -> login EAdmin, tens86, activate PaceMakerFirmWare_Cycle_Test.dll -> Done (Wait for heartrate to reach 0)


  • Reply (Skip decyphering tracekill)

Substantiation: [PROXY] []

  • Node -> Overload -> Close Shells(?) -> SSH & SMTP -> Web & SQL -> Porthack -> cd /home/work/ -> DECHead hn_repo_archive.dec -> ip gained: -> reply IP.

Investigation: [PROXY @ 008 WorkStation] [solve WSP9KJ @ 008 WorkStation] [Unlocked codes: admin / d88vAnnX, Prometheus IP:, Romulus]

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  • Node -> SSH & SMTP -> Web & SQL -> Porthack -> scan -> goto workstationCore
  • SQL_MemCorrupt 1433 -> porthack -> TraceKill -> scan -> goto workstation_008
  • Overload -> solve WSP9KJ -> SSH & KBTPortTest -> WebServerWorm -> PortHack -> TraceKill -> Prometheus.txt (WORKSTATION/store/) & StoreServIPs.txt -> connect
  • Login: admin / d88vAnnX -> eosDeviceScan -> Goto Entech01's ePhone -> You will get a new mail.


  • Login admin / alpine (Entech01's ePhone) -> cat nstanford@entech.com.act (/eos/mail/) -> Goto Mail Server.
  • Login nstanford / murloc33 -> Open Re: Romulus passwd -> goto Romulus (connect
  • Login admin / h7ggNKl2 -> cat Contractor_Server.doc (/STORE/Contractors/) -> Reply the password: ax889msjA (Is this randomised?)


  • Entech External Contract Relay Server (Good luck finding it / -> admin / ax889msjA -> decypher heart.dec divingsparrow (/Contractors/Bit/) -> Goto: EnTech Email Server
  • login rc / byC89kMMe -> open mail: RE: Mainframe Access Emergency -> admin/v19328hQ9 -> reply to mail.

Termination: (FINAL HACK)

  • Open [X] Shells
  • Sequencer -> Activate
  • Overload
  • Porthack
  • dir -> open up archive/hacknet type: rm 2 * -> rm 0 * -> rm 1 * -> dc -> reply.


  • Node -> TIME! when console locks up.