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'Kynseed is a quirky sandbox RPG adventure life sim from veterans of the Fable series. You've been given the Kynseed, a mystical acorn that grows into a family tree where your choices manifest in. Kinseed brings Digital Transformation to some of the world's leading organisations, to help them make the most of their technology. We focus on small, perfectly crafted solutions working together to revolutionise the way our customers do business - whatever their industry, size or aspiration. SwiftCare SuiteKinseed's.

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They (Googlebot) mistakenly think that some files on our Trainers section are 'malicious content' and have decided to randomly display warning messages when downloading files. Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game. Your anti-virus software may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.

It recognizes we, as gamers, just need to kill things sometimes. Spartan: total warrior ps4. Makes a valiant effort to give us the tools and abilities to live that fantasy, if only for a while and if only while sitting in our living.

ᅠᅠOver the last few weeks the team has been keeping themselves burrowed indoors amidst the world's current state of things. The silver lining is that our small indie team is already quite acclimated to working from home remotely and so we've been able to carry on with development relatively unfettered. We hope you've also been keeping well and, of course, invite you to pass the time with us on our Discord and forums.In development news, March's monthly update was successfully pushed out a couple of weeks ago and has helped pave even more stones on our path towards what has become a rather large milestone: the Relationship Update. You can read more about it by hitting the image below, but the short version is we opened up a new region called Mellowfields and also addressed a number of small fixes and general improvements. For April, we're looking to start knocking out some of the remaining relationship-related bits and bobs. Fingers crossed, we'll have some more info to share in the weeks ahead of when we can finally expect to reach that ever important milestone of the roadmap.In the meantime, we'll keep you up to speed with our individual team member devlogs below. Stay safe out there friends and we'll see you again soon in the next issue.This week has been a bit both disjointed and inspiring.

With all that is going on it is easy to be distracted.I have been playing the game a bit, making some notes, and catching up on design docs. There was a big spreadsheet to fill in for Smithing prices. We have 10 materials and 10 things you can make, and we need them all to be useful and have some variation.

There will also be some variety added to the minigame itself.with variable speed targets and strange behaviours you would expect from crafting Fae metals!I have also been working on NPC story stuff, monster attack thoughts, events, and adding new recipes and Fairweather items to the list. On top of that I fixed a bunch of things in Mellowfields and tweaked some bits of some of the levels there.Thankfully the recent weeks have seen some stellar game releases to inspire the mind. Half-Life: Alyx is just phenomenal.a sense of presence and scale that is just incredible and beautifully polished.

The Room VR is just beautifully made too and another in that series of tactile, wonderfully crafted, titles. There are so many games to play and draw inspiration from, even if not a similar genre. The amount of talent out there now is staggering. We just hope we can create something of value that will inspire others too.For the past few weeks I've been shifting between wrapping up the last update and starting on the next one. As usual there was a bit of extra time from the last update to address some fixes before work could begin in earnest, but it felt like it might have been a bit easier to wrap up this time with less knock on issues.In terms of the next update, I've been working on a new noticeboard task for helping water other NPC's farms which is turning out quite nicely thanks to the maturing noticeboard event system in place. I've started adding more skills for the player to learn for farming and fishing (with extra requirements possible for quantity and quality of item that a master is after before they will teach a skill). Then most recently I've been setting up animal poop as fertiliser in the game.

Never a dull moment working on this game!In a slight return to talking about productivity, I've been finding a bit more focus lately between choice of music ( Rez soundtrack) and keeping notes to come back to rather than let my mind wander too far while in the midst of something. I think it's helped a fair degree in being more productive and given me a better sense of areas to follow up on (of which there are a lot!). Quite often in the past I think I've usually just pushed back on these parts to follow up on, which usually has a tendency of feeling like I'm slowly grinding to a halt. Not because the followup part is that important necessarily, but it is just very tough going when all around there are these intended ideas stopping satisfaction in what is being worked on.Fortunately with the return of the new update, I've been back to my weekly schedule which is allowing me slowly but surely to relieve these blockers and it feels very satisfying! Wishing everyone all the best!I've finally managed to make music for Wisptrail that was approved!

It took some attempts, but I got there in the end. Wisptrail is a region where will 'o' wisps reside. They lure you, who knows where.To musically represent this, I took inspiration from the 'nyah nyah' song that children sometimes sing to taunt each other. It's also sometimes referenced in horror movies, such as The Evil Dead. The atmosphere I tried to give it was a little less of horror and a little more fairytale, albeit closer to the darker fairytales you might expect from the Brothers Grimm or Guillermo del Toro.Originally the song started with a very low raspy bass clarinet and slowly moved towards more familiar fairytale-esque sounds with strings. But Charlie liked the ending so much more than the beginning that he wanted the beginning to be more like the end. So now, like an ouroboros, the beginning is the end is the beginning.

I actually quite like the symbolism of this, as no matter how you deal with those who taunt you, you'll only ever end up back where you started.I'll be keeping this week's entry of mine pretty short in order to free up some extra time for other tasks that I've been getting behind on. I tend to be the main person who writes/assembles all our communications, so between the recent monthly progress report and the rather lengthy DreamHack postmortem before that, it's felt like I've spent more time writing than even usual.Not that I mind it really, as I do rather enjoy the writing process and, for the most part, writing to you good folks never feels like much a chore.

Still, it can require a fair chunk of my time between everything (particularly if it's also image or GIF heavy, which can often require more time than the writing itself).So to give a cursory update of things from my end, the team and I have recently concerned ourselves with putting together an overview plan (and very tentative schedule) of the remaining road of development still ahead. We've done something like this a few times already on the project but due to the evolving nature of development (and, in particular, our organic approach to things), we have to make new overview plans like these semi-regularly. The process is equal parts updating the old plans whilst also making new plans.I find these sorts of overviews always have a bit of duality to them. On the one hand, it can often be daunting to always feel like there's still so much work left ahead. Yet on the other hand, I always feel a slight sense of relief in at least mapping it out and putting it all down in writing.

Better to have a daunting plan than no plan, I say. ᅠHello there and welcome to another monthly progress report, sent straight your way by our castle's most trusted carrier pigs.Due to the world recently going topsy turvy, we got about a week behind in getting this month's written progress report to you all (but thankfully the update/changelog itself was already pushed out earlier this month).

It's been a crazy world out there in this pre-Quillian era, but our little team here has been managing alright with fairly minimal disruption. For now, we've locked ourselves away in Castle PixelCount and bolted all the doors.In the midst of it all, a few of us on the team have taken to discussing what our 'desert island top 5' games, movies, and records would be. (Though personally, if I was on a desert island, the only record I'd want is for long distance swimming.) In the meantime, we've been diligently keeping ourselves as healthy and sanitized as we can.

We hope you all are faring alright as well. Fortunately, the only health concern of mine lately has been randomly getting hiccups. I'm hoping for a cure, but I'm not holding my breath.Unsurprisingly, it seems all these recent events have left many folks with a lot of sudden time on their hands. Of course there's many entertainment options these days, such as Castle PixelCount's favourite DIY TV programme starring Count Dracula giving his castle a revamp. Or our favorite never-actually-released Netflix show: You're British, I'm British, My Son's British. Though thankfully, to truly help us pass the time, we still have a whole game left to make! Let's just hope the world returns to normalcy at a faster rate than your average Early Access developer.As for the update itself, this one serves as another incremental step towards implementing things like the relationship mechanics as well as our gradual rollout of aging for all our NPC's.

Yet we also want to make sure that adding to the game's map is done in relative tandem with adding to the game's mechanics. So for this month's update, we've included a nice handful of new regions as part of a haven called Mellowfields.Mellowfields is a peaceful little part of the map to visit where you'll find big gardens and small townsfolk. Almost everywhere you look you'll see lovely (and large) things growing. Though it is important to note that this is just our first implementation of these regions, as there's still quite a bit more we have left to do with them. Regions take a lot of work to make, which is why we typically approach the addition of new regions as a multi-update process.

This update takes care of our first step, which is to simply add the physical people and places into the game world.That means things like: making the initial level designs themselves, adding those designs into our engine piece by piece, adding in the new art, adding in layers for things like where the player/characters can walk, adding in all the NPC's and their sim/schedule behaviour, adding new items/collectibles, writing dialogue for the new NPC's, writing music for the new regions and shops, and then connecting the new regions to the rest of the world map. So this update includes all these first steps, but rest assured there's still much more to come with Mellowfields (and other havens too, like Summerdown).Of course, we worked on far more than just Mellowfields this update, ranging from adding new things (like picking a spirit during the wedding ceremony) to improving existing things (like new art for farm growables). There was also quite a bit of behind the scenes system and engine work done, which by their nature aren't always visible on the surface of these updates.So read on below for the highlights and, as always, hit that link at the bottom for the full changelog. CHANGELOG HIGHLIGHTSBelow is a general overview of noteworthy items this update includes. As usual, these are just a few selections from the full list of changes made, so be sure to drop by the full changelog to see the proper list. Lastly, for any of you players who enjoy getting more frequent yet experimental updates of ours, you might be interested in checking out our development branches.New Haven: MellowfieldsWelcome to Mellowfields, our initial implementation of a new farming haven in Quill! This haven includes:.

New character and environment art. Quirky new NPC's. A glimpse of the Master Gardener (though gardening skills are intended for a future update).

New lovely music for regions and shops. Drakensang the dark eye manual. Sheep, a new animal type! Currently they're for riding only, but don't have a broader purpose (yet). Plus some new items of different kinds.

Some can be found around the world, some can be grown as crops, and some can be bought from the Goods Store.including a new item to spice up married life. (As it happens, we've lately been spending a lot of design time on the importance of items and their purposes in the game. Our next update is intended to get as far as we can on that.)Status Info ScreenThis is our first pass of a new Status Info screen, available via 'Back' button on controller or 'L' on keyboard (by default).

This gives player's access to info like active buffs from food, Goddess effects, and partner info if you're married.Marriage SpiritsNo, we don't mean liquor. The marriage cutscene now includes an interactive section where you pick a spirit which gives a bonus to stats for both the player and their partner. (For existing marriages prior to this version, a random one is currently assigned.)Billy & Milly AgingAs part of our gradual rollout of NPC aging, Billy and Milly can now grow into adults.New Dialogue, Interact Range Tweaks, & Other FixesIn addition to the new stuff, we've also done quite a bit of polish and quality of life improvements for the gameplay experience.

Kynseed youtube

We've also hopefully resolved several reported problems as well. As always, we'll continue to sort through your feedback/bugs and push out hotfixes when necessary (as well as a few experimental branch and preview branch updates over the month.)Full ChangelogJump on over to the full changelog to check out the entire list of additions and fixes.It's always exciting for us when we add new people and places for players to explore, so we hope you enjoy your time visiting the new locales. Don't hesitate to let us know how you get on in your community corner of choice ( Discord, forums, etc.).Our next update will likely focus on getting in some remaining relationship features plus further improvements to the current gameplay experience (particularly in regards to overall item purpose and implementation). Then, once all the core pieces of the relationship system are in place, we'll take a step back and review the system as a whole and polish it up to a point where we're comfortable marking it off our roadmap and moving on to new milestones.In other news, one of our team attended DreamHack Anaheim recently and set up a floor demo of the game! This was one of our first times doing something like this and it was quite an exciting experience for us.

To get a full account of how it went (with pictures), you can drop by our most recent Dev Log issue.Though for now, we better get back to work here in our quarantined quarters. As always, we'll have another one of these updates and progress reports ready for you next month, punctuated by our usual flow of Dev Logs in between.

Stay safe out there and we'll see you all again soon!Love,PixelCount. Early Access ReviewThis game has some obvious issues.First is the tasks, if you forget what you needed to do for a task, well you are out of luck, cause you won't ever get a recap of what you need to do, even the tasks themselves don't update (Ex. Go to the blacksmith for a sickle, you talk to him and he tell you do something for him to get the sickle, task log does not update with new task)Second is the map, it is very basic at best. No markings on the local map to say what is what so it's easy to get lostI recommend staying away, at least until these big issues are fixed.