Startopia Guide

Startopia Guide Average ratng: 3,8/5 8700 votes

Lego jurassic world: legend of isla nublar. Imagine if the Death Star had been privatised, or if the jokersbehind the Millenium Dome were let loose on Babylon 5. Add a castof bizarre aliens, from your standard grey Reticulan to giantfour-armed purple hippies and swimsuit-wearing sirens. Throw in ahealthy dose of humour inspired by the late great Douglas Adams,and garnish with pop culture references to the likes of Star Warsand Plan 9 From Outer Space. Simmer gently for three years, etvoila - Startopia!Room With A View Even aliens get Blue Screens Of DeathHand-crafted by the natives of exotic Guildford, Startopia puts youin charge of refurbishing a network of donut-shaped space stationswhich were abandoned during a recent war.

Startopia is an all-new adventure for you to enjoy, with tons of new items, encounters, and opportunities! For more information, check the forums! To the stars, my friends! Applies if Startopia isn't in the expected install path (as with the Steam distribution) Edit configuration file citation needed Edit startopia.ini.

Starting with just a fewmaintenance robots, an energy collector and some loose change, youmust take control of your station deck by deck, segment by segment,constructing industrial facilities, space docks, security stations,holodromes and luxury hotels to attract visitors.In all there are more than forty different types of room toconstruct, not to mention a wide selection of furniture rangingfrom operating tables and Z-ray scanners for the sick bay, to bigfluffy chairs and lava lamps for your love nests. You will alsoneed to hire the right staff, as each of the game's nine main raceshas its own speciality, and your workers will automatically assignthemselves to the appropriate tasks. For example, the Groulien SaltHog is your average working class alien, doing the dirty work inrecycling plants and factories, while the Greys are naturally adeptat medical procedures, having spent most of the last few decadesprobing surprised looking humans.Energy Drain The engineering deck, yesterdayEach space station is divided into three decks, the outermost ofwhich is the engineering deck, where passing ships dock to tradeand unload passengers.

It houses your industrial, security andmedical facilities, and more importantly your energy collectors.Energy is the game's main resource, and as well as powering yourrooms it also acts as a currency to buy supplies, constructfacilities and hire new staff.This can be something of a problem unfortunately, because a spateof deaths can leave you with negative energy thanks tocompensation claims from the victims' families. At this pointeverything on your space station will shut down, including yourpower boosters (which normally increase the amount of energy yougenerate), space docks (where trade is carried out) and ports(where foot passengers disembark).

Isolated from the rest of theuniverse, you will soon find your aliens suffering from hunger anddisease as your sick bays and food dispensers go offline. And asmore aliens die, you just spiral deeper and deeper into debt.Luckily this doesn't happen very often, but when it does it canobviously be a little frustrating, and usually the only way torecover is to quit the mission and restart from an old auto-saveposition.Combat is also a little hit and miss, playing a bigger role than inmost sims but lacking the control of a real-time strategy game. Upto four managers can be fighting over a single station, and sooneror later you will need to occupy their territory, one segment at atime, using security droids to breach bulkhead doors and gaincontrol of computer systems. Some of your aliens will join in thefight as you invade the enemy segment, but all you can do to directthem is to set up muster points and frantically click on the aliensand buildings you want your troops to attack.


It's far too easy foran enemy security droid to sneak past the brawling aliens and shutthe doors again before you can destroy it, and when this happensany droids caught on the wrong side of the doors willself-destruct, and any of your employees that get left behind willabandon your cause and stay there.