Villagers And Heroes The Depths Map

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The Missing of Bleakrock is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. Afterwords, report back to Captain Rana to complete the quest. Bounty Bosses, unique monsters appearing in almost every zone, come in an array of deliciously evil forms, and will test even the most courageous of players. Whether battling malignant spiders,.

Community Events are one of the best ways to bring the players of a server or members of a Guild together. These activities encourage cooperative behavior or promote some friendly competition. They also provide another means for different players to interact with each other and create friendships. Running events like these require organization, time and assistance from fellow volunteers. It can be difficult to figure out where to begin when attempting to host something like this, so hopefully this guide will provide some ideas to assist with that.With that being said, here are some general tips on event hosting as well as a list of events you may have seen in the past on your server! Many were organized by the Event Committee or are just classic games in reality that were brought into V&H.

Please post additional event ideas below, or if you're seeking additional information on how to run a particular contest, ask away.SchedulingBefore we move into the various activity types and the process of hosting them, a brief note about scheduling. Having a regular schedule for events will result in greater attendance but will also have the side-effect of excluding those in differing time-zones. The sad truth is that there is no one time fits all in these types of cases, so do not feel compelled to try and provide the opportunity for everyone to get the chance to join. Focus on finding a time that fits your personal schedule and sits in a convenient enough time-frame to draw a satisfactory audience.Finding a schedule and sticking to it consistently is vital for weekly server events, which will be our first category.AnnouncementsSo how do you spread the word? There are a great many channels to use to spread awareness of your events. These include:. Forums: The V&H Forums Events and Contents section.

Discord: The Discord Server has an event bot which reminds players of events, so it's a good tool to remind others of scheduled activities. World Chat: Promoting Events on World Chat is a quick and easy way to spread the word. Newsletter: Newsletters are mails which are sent to Guild Leaders / Mayors who can then forward it to their Guild. This is a good way to quickly alert large groups of players.When posting about your event, be as clear as possible. Include a detailed breakdown of the event, rules, requirements, dates and meeting locations. Format this neatly into bullet points. Also, include proper spacing and indentation, otherwise it will be difficult to read.

Use colors and headers to break this text up into different sections and allow readers to quickly locate information.Proof-read! Make sure all of the details are correct, then reveal it to the public.Event CommitteeIf you are feeling particularly ambitious and want to organize a large scale event, then consider contacting the Event Committee. They have the resources, means and experience to put together organized, multi-server spanning events of this magnitude. That isn't to say they aren't possible to do on your own individual server, just that these types of events have a habit of going off the rails in unexpected ways and are incredibly difficult without a support network.Functional EventsThese are activities that serve some functional purpose such as acquiring Elder Fragments, earning experience, or advancing character attributes or skills in some way. They usually have a clear objective and desired result.


I would highly recommend starting with these events before moving on to some of the complicated mini-games and contests you'll see further below.Elder HuntsThis is one of the better events to start off with as it is straightforward and beneficial to players of all levels. Elder Hunts involve matching players who need Elder kills or fragments with volunteer leaders who will assist with defeating them. While players are generally willing to assist lower levels with impromptu Elder Runs throughout the week, certain foes require a bit more coordination in order to assemble a group. The recommended frequency for these hunts is around once or twice a week. Perhaps at different times for those in other time zones. These hunts generally last from 45 to 90 minutes in length, depending upon the format you adopt for running them.There are many different ways to organize Elder Hunts. They can be limited to only a certain tier of Elders - such as Level 95s - or for all Elders level 10 and beyond.

Having a dedicated team of volunteers is ideal if you choose the latter.If you choose to organize an all-encompassing Elder Hunt, then it is best to break it up into chunks based on the number of volunteers at your disposal. For example, if you have 5 helpers who can each lead a team, then start with Elders level 20 through 55 and then do 60 to 85 and so on. Certain Elders (such as the level 50s in Shadow Traven and 55s in Shadow Future) can be done in conjunction, so you don't have to break up into too many groups. Some can be skipped altogether if no one needs them that night.There are a two primary methods to organizing this. Either have everyone meet up in a dedicated zone, form parties for the different Elder teams and head out or utilize world chat. A single host can relay information regarding the meeting locations for each of the Elder Groups. Participants can head to their designated meeting location, party up with the team leader and once the entire team has arrived, slay some Elders!The host should attempt to keep track of which teams are in progress and which are completed so you can move on to the next chunk of Elders.Crafting PartiesCrafting Parties are large crafting sessions sponsored by a Crafting Crystal.

Players within range of the Crystal's buff will gain increased crafting experience as well as other bonus perks for the duration of the Crystal (20 minutes). Crafting Parties are a great way to bring players of all level ranges to a central location and engage with each other in the chat while raising their skills. Hosts tend to entertain crowds through text-based events such as Trivia or Live Auctions! Trivia can be collected beforehand from online sources and be categorized based on a theme as well. Live Auctions, run commonly on US3.

These involve placing useful items up for bid for those participating in the crafting party. This is a great way to generate some revenue and keep the players entertained.Dungeon RunsDungeons are challenging group-content that requires organized teams of mixed roles to complete. In order to do community Dungeon runs there are a few requirement elements, such as an experienced leader, tank and healer. Without these roles filled it will be difficult for beginners to complete the entirety of the run as there are complex mechanics and boss battles to conquer. Community Dungeon runs can be organized in a few different ways.

If the turnout is relatively low (below 20), then the runs could simply be open for all to attend. For those cases where there is a higher turnout, it may be best to split into multiple parties and start at different times or run separate Dungeons. Alternatively, the runs could be organized into level brackets, so those of the same level range run together. The issue with this setup is that lower levels tend to rely upon the experience and strength of higher levels in order to complete Dungeons in the first place.Charter Weekends / FundraisersThis is an event I do every now and then with my Guild, but there is no reason why it cannot be expanded for more of a server-wide scale. The goal is to collect as many charter tokens as possible during the weekend. Players can donate items such as refined or gathered materials to the host, who tallies the number of points each player has donated based on how many tokens it can be sold for. At the end of the weekend, all of these materials are given to players who are working towards their Charter Specialization, Gathering Hat or Recipe.

These fundraiser type events are great ways to bring the server together towards a common goal. This can be tuned to work for different cases, such as a Gold Fundraiser through flowers or a Gear Fundraiser followed by a big Yard Sale where everything is given away to the community. At the end, all the donators can be entered into a raffle and given awards if they win! They could have a higher weight in the raffle based on the number of items they donated.Mini GamesMini Games are activities that are more playful and silly compared to functional events. Their purpose isn't to assist players with acquiring items or progressing traits, but rather to simply share in fun activities with each other. Below are some examples of Mini GamesBee Bog Brute TournamentBee, Bog, Brute is V&H's version of Rock, Paper, Scissors and is a very easy event to turn into a tournament.

First, establish your rules:. Bee beats Bog. Bog beats Brute. Brute beats BeeThen, line your participants up such that each player is facing another. Then, do a countdown and allow them to prefill their chat-box with the option they plan to choose. On GO they release their selection and the answers are compared. The winners progress to the next stage of the Tournament, the rest are eliminated.Fashion ShowFashion Shows are very accessible contests where a group of judges choose a few winners among the various contestants.

The Summer's Hollow stage is a great place to hold this event. Also, these seem to work best during seasonal events when everyone is obtaining new apparel. It's recommended to choose a theme ahead of time, such as Battle Gear, Farmer Outfit, Funny Outfit, Couples etc. Allow players to use mounts, pets, toys, emotes and abilities to supplement their outfit. Judges can award players points and tally the points at the end to reveal the victors. Europa universalis 1. These events don't have to be limited to fashion, it could include a garden contest to see who can make the most pleasing garden, or house / village environment contest against the different towns.Survival EventThis challenge will test the mettle of your participants. These are best held in the Dungeons as it is a scaled zone with difficult bosses and large groups of enemies.

There are two teams for this event, the Defenders and the Attacker(s). The goal of the Defenders is to survive against waves of enemy assaults.

The goal of the Attacker(s) is to eliminate all the Defenders. The Attacker(s) leads the Defenders to different spots within the Dungeon and drags packs of enemies onto them. The Defenders have to defeat all the enemies, and if anyone dies, they are eliminated. After each wave the Attacker can up the ante by requiring Defenders to remove certain pieces of gear for example. The Attacker's goal should be to lead Defenders to the most difficult places and drag as many enemies onto them as possible, such as Corpus Gravelord and his minions in Heroic Halls or Benedicta in Heroic Cloister.RacesRaces are great little games to play as they are easy to organize, customize and complete.

Players should use /jog for races to ensure everyone is at the same default speed. There are many different types of races to choose from:. Ordered Race: Players have to run from one checkpoint to the next in sequence. Volunteers can be stationed at each checkpoint. Unordered Race: Players have to run to various checkpoints before hitting the finish line. The difficulty here is route selection.

Villagers And Heroes The Depths Map

Which is the fastest path? A volunteer can be each checkpoint with an item that participants have to acquire to prove that they arrived. Swim Races: Traven is a great place for swimming races, especially if everyone has the Xinzen extracts to use. Relay Race: Relay races require one player from each team to be stationed at a different location. The first player is given an item and has to transfer it to the second player, who must transfer it to the third and so on until the final player brings it to the finish line.It's easy to add modifiers to these events to make them more interesting, such as requiring players to run backwards, roll, adding hidden volunteers with fleetrinda boosts and more. Some recommended zones for large races are Trader's Path, Fungal Caverns, Crystal Spire and Withering Woodlands.Scavenger HuntCollect a list of items for players to obtain such as gathered items, crafted materials and more and send this list as mail to your participants.

The first team or individual to gather all of the items wins! Try to use unique items that most players may not have on-hand, such as low level consumables, gear drops and gems. You can even add stages where there are multiple Scavenging Lists, one per zone, and players must finish the list in their current zone before moving on to the next zone and getting the subsequent list.Hide & SeekA tricky event due to the mini-map, but not impossible.

Utilize a zone like the Depths if you plan to organize this event, so the mini-map doesn't give away player locations. There are a few formats to choose from here. Either all the players hide, and a few seekers have to find them all. The last few players win the contest. Or, only a few players hide and the participants have to spread out and search for them, either individually or in teams. There are many modifications that can spice things up, such as when a player is found do they also become a seeker?

Are players sent to 'Jail' when found and other players have to find them? Do the hiders get to move or must remain in the same spot? Are there safe areas that players have to find, or hidden players with goodies such as Scornyx?Simon SaysA classic game that most are familiar with. Simon provides a task and the participants have to do it so long as Simon includes 'Simon Says' before the task. Seems a bit too trivial at first glance, but there are plenty of tricks you can use to spruce things up if you get created. This is a great little game to host late-night for your server.

If you need to thin out the herd and declare a winner at the end, start eliminating the last person to complete the task. This will bring up the intensity as players need to react quickly and accurately.2 Truths 1 LieAnother great game for a small group of players. Sit around a campfire if you please share 2 truths and 1 lie with the crowd.

Players have to guess which of your statements is a lie and if they choose correctly they'll rack up points. Whichever player ends up with the most points at the end wins! This is a fantastic event to share some laughs and get to know other members of your community.EscortThe yearly Private Otter is an example of this event. Each team is given a single low level character to protect, and their goal is to escort them from point A to point B while completing objectives along the way.

This could include helping the player level up, collect items through a scavenger hunt, or solve riddles. The team's priority is to defend the low level player from terrors while transporting them across the map.LotteryA simple game of luck, players enter the Lottery and win a jackpot if they are lucky.

There are plenty of ways to organize this, such as through an online sign-up or even using in-game means. For example, have the players roll a dice using /dice and whoever lands on the winning number gets the prize.Stories / Poems / RapsShare some short stories or poems with others. Pick a theme ahead of time or go free-style! Players should have these prepared before the event and copy and paste into chat if possible. You can expand on this and even do plays, performances or role-play sessions with others. There is plenty of room for those sorts of activities within the game. Meet up at the Ardent Tavern, share a drink and tell tall tales about your adventures?

Sit around a campfire and whisper horror stories or organize a large theatrical performance in Summer's Hollow for all to attend. Maybe a jokes contest to see who has the best humor and puns in all the 7 Realms.Secret SantaPlayers sign up and are assigned another player to acquire a gift for. It's up to each individual to do some research and figure out what their assigned player could use. Maybe some pies, consumables or new gear?

This is a fun way to promote gift sharing and community interaction within the server. It's imperative that the players send the gifts to the organizer rather than directly to their assigned player, otherwise the whole 'secretive' nature doesn't last long. If you're organizing this, use a spreadsheet to keep track of who is assigned to who, and whether or not they sent in their gifts.Trivia ContestThese can be organized into game-show type formats such as Jeopardy where contestants are organized into teams and are tested on their game knowledge. This can be structured in many ways. For example, questions can be sorted into different categories such as Game Lore, Mad Otter Lore, Community Trivia, Quest Knowledge and more.

Teams can send one member of their group up to compete with the selected member of the other teams to answer the question. Alternatively, it could be a free for all where the first correct answer earns the point, and perhaps even each incorrect answer deducts a point? For inspiration on questions, look no further than the Quest and Bounty Journal. They both contain a plethora of game lore which can be used to quiz players.DodgeballGet a bunch of throwable objects such as eggs, find yourself a nice flat piece of land such as Dagmar Strand, and split the participants up into teams. If someone is hit by a dodgeball, they are out.

Last player standing wins!TournamentsTournaments are incredible activities that promote friendly competition between players. Examples of potential Tournaments could be a series of Races or perhaps an Olympics that tests various skills by combining an assortment of smaller events such as races, combat, scavenger hunts and quizzes. Dungeon Tournaments are also fun events that promote team-building across Guilds and levels. For this type of event, you'll likely want to use spreadsheets to keep teams and points organized.These events are just the tip of the iceberg.

There are many other options to look into, the options are only limited by your imagination. Post some ideas below!

Posted: 8 AprilMan, I want to recommend this game. But unfortunately I cannot. This game is pretty darn fun. If you're the type of person that doesn't mind lower graphics and likes games like Runescape, feel free to give it a try. It's sort of a mixup between Runescape and WoW.

And for some reason reminded me a bit of Wizard101, maybe for it's G-Rated feeling.Two things turned me off the game. The first one was when I found a village to live in. The leader immediately started mailing everyone saying some 'Chinese group' was trying to take over his village through the voting system and not to vote for them. So that was a bit unsettling. Then secondly. Where is everyone?

If the playerbase didn't feel so small.sigh. Most he people in the chat were very nice and helpful.

But the game just feels dead.I loved the crafting/gathering and 'gnogmenting' (combining two weapons to make another unique weapon). This game has a lot of potential, but it's just.

Stale and no playerbase.