Dead Space Wiki

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The Arsenal. This section will cover the basics of the weapons in the original disc-game (and none of that downloadable crap), as well as the special abilities you get in 5 to 10 minutes into. Jan 25, 2011  ↑ Dead Space 2: Severed - Dead Space Wiki - last accessed on 2019-04-01 'Dead Space 2: Severed is a two-chapter downloadable content pack for Dead Space 2. The game takes place on Titan Station and follows the story of Gabe Weller and Lexine Weller.

If you aren't carrying a weapon (even if you own it but have it stored), enemies will rarely (almost never) drop ammo for it. However, you will occasionally earn ammo for weapons you do not own from footlockers and lockers.

If you aren't going to use any, you might as well sell them all for the credits. Use the credits to buy ammunitionThere is a schematic for the Contact Gun ammo in the small room right before you meet the ailing Hammond. Lucky for Isaac he has that breathing mask eh?

The save room with the red alarm is totally safe (there are no enemies here), so use that as your base of operations to attack the four poisonous zombies in the east and west greenhouses.If you need to upgrade your weapons and such, there is an enemy free bench in the western grwoth tower. If you decide to fight through the western tower first, skip to that section first (you will start with poison zombies 5 through 8). Either tower will work, but it's either death by tentacle or death by self-immolation when going through each tower. You can attack either tower first, but if you have maximum stasis energy (from a stasis pack or the Pause, Quick Heal, HUD, HUD, Quick Heal, HUD cheat), then you should seriously consider the east tower first since there is a wall necromorph at the end of the first hallway (next to the lift).Stasis the wall necro and attack it quickly with the linegun's mines or the ripper's blades (you can also plasma cut its limbs). You may even be able to cut off the center limb (the one that decapitates you) if you're quick enough and the stasis effect keeps going.

This will spare you a few more seconds of life to put the hurt on the necro.There is a node locked door in the same hallway as the wall necro (hallway to east growth chamber). Loot it and watch for enemies inside rooms. SimulationIt's interesting to note the presence of the flamethrower in Isaac's futuristic arsenal. You'd figure for a civilization that has either hyperspace (or some kind of wormhole technology, as evidenced in the introduction), they'd have a more efficient method of heating mass instead of using an open flame.The flamethrower's use (or lack of use) in Chapter 6 operates on the requirements required for an open flame. For some reason, the noxious aliens create enough poisoned air to change the oxygen levels in the immediate area to snuff out open flames.However, there are other methods of generating heat (not through open flame), as demonstrated by the U.S.

Army's newest toy, the Active Denial System (ADS - not the ADS turrets on the Ishimura's gun deck). Using microwave technology, the weapon is able to direct (non-lethal) heat with a great degree of accuracy over very long distances.There are eight of the poison zombies to whack, four in each of the towers:. Poison Zombie (1 of 8): This one is in one of the corner rooms of the east growth chamber (first level). You might've even killed it to find a safe place to fight the brute.

Poison Zombie (2 of 8): This is one in the east growth chamber, under the floor near the central lift. To get the time and opening to shoot it, activate the feeding cycle. When the feeding tank appears, stasis it so you have the time to go around and shoot the zombie to death. Poison Zombie (3 of 8): The east growth chamber's 3F has this zombie. Take the elevator up, step out like a Mafia hitman and 'deal with the situation'.

Poison Zombie (4 of 8): This zombie is easy to locate in the zero G area of the east tower's refrigeration area. However, you have to survive a tentacle attack (past the save station - it's suggested you use it before and after the attack) and zipping around the wayward power geerator (via stasis, then shuhtting it off). For all the trouble you go through, there is a free power node (2 of 3) in the hallway to refrigeration.Once you've dealt with all the poison zombies in the east sector, the blue line should lead you back to the west tower. Don't miss any item(s) and make several trips through to grab all the items you can. Before entering the western growth tower, load up on linegun ammo (about 30 units) and plasma ammo (the standard 50 plus another 25 for missing). You may not need the medikits (enemies sometimes generate them) depending on your current life. You will be fighting a lot of enemies, many times (if a poison zombie is killed, more enemies are generally spawned into play).You can try to stasis and fight all the enemies in the open, or try to corral them into a small area (also known as a killzone).

Either of the unlocked corner rooms (with the poison zombies) are good for this. Head in (stasis or weapons can delay attackers), kill the poison zombie quickly (to breathe) and aim at the hole where the necromorphs all file through into the room. Provided you have enough linegun ammo, you should make back a few line racks (or plasma cutter ammo) from your devilish murder.The only enemies who cannot follow the man-type zombies through the vents are the babies (with the three snakes from its back) and the fat zombie. The former can be shot to death using the plasma cutter. The latter can be stasis'ed and laced with linegun mines.

Deal with the next four poison zombies as you did in the eastern tower. Poison Zombie (5 of 8): This zombie is in the 1F side room of the western growth chamber, the one to the 'left' as you enter the chamber from the acid spewing hallway. Poison Zombie (6 of 8): This zombie is in the second 1F side room of the western growth chamber, the one to the 'right' as you enter the chamber from the acid spewing hallway. This zombie seems to trigger the appearance of two fat zombies (they could also have been triggered by the massacre of the previous wave of necromorphs). Poison Zombie (7 of 8): This zombie is in the 2F of the west growth chamber. Use kinesis on all the corpses in the poison zombie's room and break their limbs; if you neglect to do so, the jellyfish necromorphs will animate the corpses into stronger zombies - a completely unnecessary waste of ammo. Poison Zombie (8 of 8): Head past the refrigeration area in the west area and shoot the energy capsules to open the doors in the waste burning/air filtration area.

YOu can't stasis the burners, so run through the doors when the fire tunnel is fire-free. The zombie is in the bottom of the air filtration room, and a free power node (3 of 3) is inside the filtration control booth.Return to the west chamber via the cargo lift, fight off the smaller ambush of necromorphs and get ready to fight the boss.

If you've left behind a lot of items due to the lack of space on your suit, cosnider making a quick item run 9without losing more life and ammo) to get those items and get back.Plant Boss. Prepare by bringing in 30 to 40 plasma cutter shots.

The Line Gun, despite being so useful earlier, is too slow for this boss. Your kinesis module is probably more helpful here, and it costs you nothing.The plant boss is more or less a more pronounced version of the tentacles you've fought. If you see the yellow alien bulbs, you know they are somehow critical to the alien lifeform's survival (possibly some sort of anaerobic process). Shooting it is like plunging a 12-inch knife into a mammal's heart - it gets messy and it gets dead real quick.Since you are fighting in zero G, use the space jump to avoid the boss' tentacles (note you can look at a more inclined angle once you are weapon aiming - doesn't make sense, but this is only a videogame). Zap the bulbs on the three tentacles and it will cause the boss to eject explosive seeds from its mouth-slash-anus.Use kinesis on these explosive seeds. They come out in odd numbers (3, 5, 7.) so you should be able to grapple and throw (use the weapon trigger to fire kinesis-held objects) back at the boss' mouth-slash-anus and damage the yellow alien bulb inside.Weather the second phase of tentacles (they are faster, but the pattern is the same), and again play catch with the boss' explosive seeds.

Once enough damage is done to the boss' inner bulb, it should die and the atmosphere on the Ishimura (Stone Village) should be saved.Head back to the tram once you're done here. Don't worry about the shop or nodes or whatever. The next chapter has a very good save room with all the amenities in easy reach.

.: October 13, 2008.: October 20, 2008 (PC).: October 23, 2008.: October 24, 2008Mode(s)Dead Space is a science fiction, developed by (Subsequently known as ) for,. The game was released in October 2008. The game has a strong science fiction atmosphere and is set in a. It puts the player in control of an named Isaac Clarke who fights the Necromorphs, the monstrous reanimated human corpses aboard an interstellar mining ship, the USG Ishimura.Dead Space was met with widespread critical acclaim, being cited as one of the and sold over 2 million copies. The sequels, and were released on January 25, 2011 and February 5, 2013 respectively.

Isaac fighting a group of Necromorphs.The player controls Isaac Clarke, a ship systems engineer who must fight his way through a mining starship infested with an alien scourge. The crew was horrifically slaughtered and their corpses are reanimated into creatures known as 'Necromorphs'.

The various types of Necromorphs appeared throughout the game, each with different abilities and requiring different tactics to defeat. The game is played from an over-the-shoulder third-person perspective.Dead Space does not use a traditional. Instead, all information is relayed to the player via from Isaac's Resource Integration Gear (RIG) spacesuit and the weapons themselves. For example, a small holographic display is mounted on Isaac's weapons to indicate the ammunition count while aiming. Also, the health meter is integrated into his suit spine and the spines of the suits that are worn by the other game characters. The player can check the current objectives and the 3D map via the floating holograms that are projected in front of Isaac or access the inventory screen to manage items or choose guns. However, the game still progresses in real-time during these activities so the player remains in danger of being attacked while browsing through menus and the map.Combat involves a mechanism called 'strategic ' which the player must cut the limbs or sections of the individual Necromorphs off to defeat them.

For example, shooting most Necromorphs in the head will have little effect and will only disorient them. However, they can be stopped once the player removes its arms and legs. Depending on how they are wounded, the Necromorphs can adopt new stances and tactics such as sprouting new limbs or giving birth to new enemies in the process.In keeping with Isaac's profession as an engineer, the weapons in Dead Space are mostly improvised from the mining tools such as a Plasma Cutter (For horizontal and vertical slicing), a torch (Repurposed as a ), a high-energy demolition beam and a cannon that emits powerful. A military-grade is available and Isaac can also attack the enemies by clubbing them with his weapon or stomping on them. All weapons featured a secondary-fire mode. For example, the Plasma Cutter can be rotated 90 degrees for more effective dismemberment of vertical limbs (Such as legs on a normal humanoid).

The player must scavenge for ammunition and items which are found throughout the ship or dropped by the Necromorphs when they are killed. The automated Stores throughout the ship can be accessed to buy and sell items or store them for later use. The player can use the to upgrade Isaac's suit and weapons.Other than weapons, Isaac is equipped with other tools to help him survive, solve puzzles and combat the enemies more effectively.

Isaac's Stasis ability can be used to slow the enemies and objects down temporarily and a Kinesis module allows Isaac to move and throw the items sufficiently. The heavy or sharp objects can become improvised projectile weapons. Dead Space features environments, through which Isaac can navigate by using magnetic boots. Isaac's suit will protect him from the direct effects of or toxic environments, but it has a limited air supply and he will eventually so the player is forced to proceed quickly when in these situations.Plot Setting By the 23rd century humanity began to struggle under energy and resource shortages, which led to world government EarthGov researching solutions.

To resolve resource shortages, Concordance Extraction Corporation (CEC) was formed to use 'planet-cracker' spaceships to destroy and mine planets for resources.To resolve the energy shortage, a team led by Michael Altman was sent to investigate an alien artifact found in the, dubbed 'The Marker.' Made from an unknown, black alien material, the marker was found to emit a sourceless (EMF), making it a potential source of infinite energy. After a series of mysterious events and Altman's leaking of events, EarthGov unsuccessfully attempted to cover-up its existence. Those who believed Altman's claims saw his murder as and markers as a unifying, leading to the Church of Unitology's creation.Wanting to safely harness marker energy, EarthGov Red Markers from on some of their space colonies, only to discover the EMF that markers emit cause the living to suffer and while making the dead mutate and reanimate as 'necromorphs.' Knowing Unitologists would seek out additional markers and cause necromorph spread, EarthGov immediately terminated all marker research and prohibited travel to their locations.Synopsis Set in the year 2508, the CEC dispatches the USG Kellion to investigate a distress signal from the USG Ishimura, a planet cracker in the process of mining Aegis VII. CEC Engineer Isaac Clarke volunteers himself for the mission as his girlfriend, Nicole Brennan, is the Chief Medical Officer aboard the ship. After a guidance system malfunction crashes the Kellion into the Ishimura dock, the crew exits to find the ship seemingly abandoned, only to be attacked by grotesque monsters.

Split up by the ambush, the only Kellion survivors are Clarke, Commander Zach Hammond, and Computer Specialist Kendra Daniels. Hammond notices that many of the ship's systems are failing, and both he and Daniels direct Clarke repairing the ship and summoning rescue.Piecing together events from recordings, Clarke learns that Aegis VII travel is a prohibited by EarthGov, and that the Ishimura was performing an illegal mining operation. When Unitologists on the crew discovered a Red Marker on the surface, additional followers filled the Ishimura crew in an attempt to return it to Earth. Soon after the marker's extraction to the Ishimura, large numbers of both the ship and planet crew began to suffer.

Conflicts began to form between moderates, radicals and non-Unitologists, culminating with a mutiny against the Unitologist captain that ended in his accidental death. A disease carried within the marker then began to activate, transforming and reanimating colonist corpses as grotesque monsters; in an attempt to retrieve a necromorph for study, the disease was inadvertently spread to the Ishimura.While Hammond states that he is unaware what the marker is, Daniels confides to Clarke that she believes Hammond is lying. Though unable to ignore ship repair duties, Clarke soon makes contact with Nicole and is able to briefly rendezvous with her. After repairing the critical systems, Clarke's team launches the second rescue beacon, attracting the military vessel USM Valor. Rescuing an escape pod containing a jettisoned necromorph, the Valor is rapidly overrun and crashes into the Ishimura. Boarding the Valor, Hammond deduces from the equipment and logs that the ship was dispatched to kill any survivors and destroy the Ishimura.

Clarke and Hammond retrieve a singularity core from the Valor to repair an available shuttle, but Hammond is killed by an enhanced Necromorph in the process.Dr. Kyne, one of the few survivors of the Ishimura, reveals himself to Clarke. Kyne urges Clarke to return the marker to Aegis VII, believing it will restrain the ', the creature controlling the Necromorphs. After assisting Clarke in loading the marker onto the shuttle, Daniels murders Kyne, revealing herself as an operative sent to retrieve the Red Marker.

Daniels leaves on the shuttle without Clarke, but Nicole helps Clarke recall the shuttle remotely, prompting Daniels to flee to Aegis VII in an escape pod. Clarke takes the marker back to the colony and sets it in place, pacifying the Hive Mind and creating a 'dead space' that makes all Necromorphs in the surrounding area dormant. This also causes an, disrupting the holding the cracked planet together, and initiating Aegis VII's collapse.Stuck in a decontamination chamber, Clarke watches as Daniels reappears and removes the Red Marker from the pedestal, attempting to take it to her shuttle.

Taunting Clarke, Daniels shows him the full distress transmission from Nicole, which reveals that Brennan committed suicide by lethal injection at the end of the transmission; Clarke's interactions with Nicole were Red Marker, caused to influence him into returning it to the planet. Before the marker can be loaded onto the shuttle The Hive Mind reawakens, violently killing Daniels and forcing Clarke to neutralize it. Boarding a shuttle as the colony and the marker are destroyed, Clarke narrowly escapes as the planet implodes. Clarke removes his helmet and watches Nicole's first transmission again, turning it off before she commits suicide. Clarke then notices something in his periphery, revealed to be a bloody vision of Nicole, which screams before the scene cuts to black.Development announced Dead Space in September 2007. The game was developed at their studio in. A 2006 rumor suggested that the studio was working on a sequel.

This was confirmed by Dead Space designers, Ben Wanat and Wright Bagwell who stated that it was originally intended to be before the release of inspired them to go back to the drawing board and develop it into something more along those lines. And were main creators of Dead SpaceThe game's executive producer, said that the team aimed to create something 'darker and creepier' than their previous titles: 'We are all such huge fans of the and genres. We wanted to create the most terrifying game that we could and keep the player on the edge of their seat the entire time.'

The design team reportedly spent time analyzing a wide variety of horror films in order to find inspiration for in-game scares.The previews drew attention to the high levels of gore and violence in the game, in particular the tactic of 'strategic dismemberment', emphasized by Schofield as 'the primary theme of Dead Space'. The Necromorphs could not be subdued by a single shot. They have to be incapacitated by shooting their tentacles and appendages off. A series of developer diaries released for the game featured one episode about the system which the developers mentioned that using conventional tactics such as aiming for the head or torso would only serve to aggravate some of the Necromorphs. In order to make the corpses look more realistic, the development team studied the photos of the car crash victims and war scenes.The game was initially in development for the original console. Main article:Dead Space credits two people for the music composition.

Audio Director Don Veca was quoted in an interview saying 'The music credits read 'Music Composed and Conducted by in Association with.' Early on, Rod was involved in initial brainstorming, but Jason actually composed, conducted and arranged all of the music.' On November 11, 2008, and released the soundtrack of Dead Space for download.In 2009, Dead Space was nominated for several awards by the non-profit Game Audio Network Guild (GANG): Music of the Year, Audio of the Year and Sound Design of the Year.

By the voting of the GANG members, Dead Space was awarded Audio of the Year and Sound Design of the Year. DRM The retail PC version of Dead Space uses copy protection as it was seen in the other EA PC titles and which requires online authentication.

Previously, it limited the number of times that a user could install the game to five. However, in April 2009, the company released the de-authorization tools which afforded an unlimited number of installations.

The, and versions do not have this DRM.On July 14, 2016, released a DRM-free version. Marketing and release and announced a comic book series based upon the game on February 21, 2008. Illustrated by and written by, the six-book are a prequel to the game. Set on Aegis VII, the planet that the USG Ishimura is orbiting, the deep space mining colony pulls an ancient artifact called 'The Marker' from the planet which begins to affect everyone in the colony.

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Dead space wiki weapons

The first issue was released on March 3, 2008. However, a limited edition version of issue #1 with exclusive cover art was made available at 2008 to the first 25 people who went to the convention each day.Electronic Arts and also announced an animated film, a prequel to the events of the game, taking place after the Necromorphs invaded the USG Ishimura. The film, developed by Film Roman was released on October 28, 2008.Electronic Arts released an Ultra Limited Edition of the game limited to only 1,000 copies.

The package includes the game, Dead Space: Downfall, a bonus content DVD, the Dead Space art book, a lithograph and the Dead Space comic. The people who bought the game within the first two weeks of its release could also download the exclusive suits for free: The Obsidian Suit for the PlayStation 3 version and the Elite Suit for the Xbox 360 version.Initially, Dead Space Community Manager Andrew Green stated that Germany, China and Japan banned the game. However, it was confirmed that this was a marketing ploy and that Dead Space was not banned in any country.Italian Horror Director lent his voice to the Doctor Terrence Kyne character for the Italian release of the game. No Known Survivors On August 22, 2008, No Known Survivors, a website that was similar to an that provides an opportunity for the visitors to explore the narrative world of Dead Space was launched. The site depicts two stories, each divided into four chapters and uses 3D animations, voice acting, original video, Papervision 3D technology and various other interactive components. The first, Misplaced Affection tells the story of an organ replacement technician who falls in love with a capable P-Sec officer and slowly loses his sanity as the Necromorphs attempted to break the door to his shelter down.

The second, Thirteen follows a who 'makes the wrong decision for the right reason', set after Isaac launches the distress beacon. The site is less like a typical alternate reality game and more like a PC such as.The site is based around a hub featuring nine severed body parts which represents a content release. The week before a content piece was released, its assigned body part would mutate, finally evolving into a mature Necromorph part. Starting on August 25 and ending the week of the PC release, a new Necromorph part became active every Monday, allowing the visitors to continue the stories that are featured on No Known Survivors up until Dead Space's release.

See also:The success of Dead Space led to additional games, films and print media. In September 2009, was released for the, a prequel to Dead Space. Was released on January 25, 2011 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows with Isaac reprising his role as the protagonist. For was released on iTunes on January 14, 2011 and takes place three years after the first Dead Space. Mummy demastered walkthrough. It was later released for and for. The latest installment, was released in February an animated film and a prequel to Dead Space.

An animated sequel, which takes place between Dead Space and Dead Space 2 was released to tie-in with the. On July 24, 2009, it was revealed that Electronic Arts was working with Director on a live-action feature based upon the game, intended to 'bridge the gap between the two games.' EA will produce the film with Temple Hill Partners, Marty Bowen and.A was released as a prequel to Dead Space: Extraction. A novel was also released based on the series. Was written by and was released on July 20, 2010 by Tor Books and Visceral Games. The novel gives information on the Church of Unitology and the discovery of the 'Black Marker.' According to the press release, the book's main character, a geophysicist named Michael Altman, the founder of the Church of Unitology makes a key discovery that leads to the beginning of Dead Space.

There was another novel written by Evenson in the Dead Space lore called Dead Space: Catalyst. References.