Soul Hunters Sylphi

Soul Hunters Sylphi Average ratng: 3,6/5 171 votes

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I just purchassed the hero Sylphi today from the event, because of the special 9.99$ but i didnt get the hero! Moderator (Soul Hunters).

Guild Recruitment.Please do not make posts in an effort to recruit for your Guild.We are still a growing subreddit. The odds that anyone here is on your server are extremely low. Please stick to Global Chat or the7. Set FlairsPlease, don't forget to assign your post a flair!Once you've submitted your post, follow these simple steps:.Scroll down to the bottom of your post.Click the 'flair' button.Select the most appropriate option for your post. Sylphi was released on Dec. 26, 2016 and still isn't in any of the shops.

November's Conjuring Stone hero, Solomon, was added to the Epic Arena shop in APRIL. Since then, no Conjuring Stone heroes have been released to any of the shops.If this isn't a statement from Lilith, I don't know what is. It seems very clear that new Conjuring Stone heroes are going to be for the Stone and promotions only.I do wish they'd make an official statement on this. I applaud their recent balancing efforts for the older F2P heroes, but having an ever expanding roster of heroes that are impossible to get outside of spending is, in my opinion, a serious black mark on the game's future. I agree and would like to add an example aswell.In HoL most teams use goram, not just because his damage is good and he also has surviveability but he adds a strong physical debuff which synergizes very well with an awakened Vernos.Sure you can try and use Leon or Alana to replace Goram, but I think we all know that they can't fulfill the same role. Leon will be miles behind in terms of damage and Alana isn't even on the front to begin with.It's things like this why Goram is so good at what he does.

(even at just 3 stars)And Sylphi can not be replaced either, give me one other high dps magic hero that has the ability to sustain him/herself with heals?Last but not least, I am sure some of us/you remember HoL Kong without sylphi. Oh those joyous days. So tell me which hero will you replace her with on HoL Kong and still do any sort of damage that could come close to that of sylphi?(The answer is Tsuki, but requires perfect timing and has to be combined with zem and even then is usually 800k behind Sylphi, if not more.). I am not fussed if they don't ever release conjuring stone heroes to shops but I think they should make an announcementWith the number of heroes these days you can usually find someone else to fill those roles.

Also the monthly heroes and box heroes have been pretty goodAnd there would be double purchase events where you could get them for around $50 along with $50 worth of gemsMy orkon is 3 stars and I do wish he was higher starred but looking at people who got them at 7 stars I just feel sorry for them for spending thousands on one single character. If this isn't a statement from Lilith, I don't know what isI can only assume you haven't been playing long. We waited just as long if not longer in some cases for Havoc, Li Twins, Vespix, just to name a fewI do wish they'd make an official statement on this. I applaud their recent balancing efforts for the older F2P heroes, but having an ever expanding roster of heroes that are impossible to get outside of spending is, in my opinion, a serious black mark on the game's futureThey aren't impossible to get outside of spending.

You can get them from Diamond chests. You can get them from Crucible chests. You can get them in Box events. And they even let everyone buy 80 Sylphi Soulstones with HoL currency. In all fairness, the heroes you listed up top are, at the very best, fringe use.

I know havoc used to see a good amount of play at cap back before 100, but he's literally never been a thing on my server.On the other hand, Lilith has released a disproportionate number of busted heroes in the CS since Sylphi, and they seemingly have no intention of making them farmable, simply so that they can continue milking people on double purchase bonuses. Sylphi and Goram are necessary across multiple game modes. That can't be said about really anyone else aside from lingling.The game just feels different now than it did last year.


Skins and absurdly shitty double purchase bonuses regularly. Plus, box heroes are basically a less terrible version of the CS, but both clearly exist on the cycle they do to drain people of diamonds so that they spend $$ on the next CS or box hero that'll show up in a couple of weeks. In all fairness, the heroes you listed up top are, at the very best, fringe use. I know havoc used to see a good amount of play at cap back before 100, but he's literally never been a thing on my server.That's completely irrelevant. You can't act like a thing is unprecedented when there has in fact been precedent. You especially can't say it's unprecedented and the reason why is because the Heroes are overpowered, when the precedents don't follow that rule at all.and they seemingly have no intention of making them farmableThis is pure assumption on your part. It has no basis in reality.

This would be unprecedented.simply so that they can continue milking people on double purchase bonuses. Sylphi and Goram are necessary across multiple game modes. That can't be said about really anyone else aside from lingling.Everyone should have Sylphi by now. They have made her available.The game just feels different now than it did last year. Skins and absurdly shitty double purchase bonuses regularly.Not sure what you mean by absurdly shitty double purchase bonuses. They were always quite shitty until powerful Heroes like Sylphi and Goram came along.

Then all of a sudden they felt like a decent deal.Plus, box heroes are basically a less terrible version of the CS, but both clearly exist on the cycle they do to drain people of diamonds so that they spend $$ on the next CS or box hero that'll show up in a couple of weeks.Not sure how long you've been playing, but do you recall what we had before the box events? I'll give you a hint: you got a 3 Star Hero for spending $99 or enough Soulstones to take that Hero to 5 Stars if you spent $299.People should know the cycle you're talking about by now. It's super simple to not have your diamonds drained. Don't participate. The upward trend on power level in the CS and even box Heroes is not irrelevant to the conversation. I didn't say there wasn't precedent for long periods of time between the creation of the hero and it showing up in a shop either.

After some quick dino-DNA building in Dr. After a daring motorcycle chase that ends in a pile of bricks, Owen and Claire think they have the Indominus beat, but the hybrid is smarter than they thought. After Claire creates a trap using some tasty treats, Owen quickly puts his training skills to the test and leads a pack of newly trained hybrid dinosaurs to battle the Indominus Rex in an epic, action-packed finale! But when the Indominus eats all the hot dogs, it escapes from its pen in a hungry rage, and it’s up to the skilled and rugged dinosaur trainer, Owen Grady, to save the day. Lego jurassic world movie. Wu’s lab, Claire comes up with the perfect solution that is sure to please Masrani and kids everywhere – The Indominus Rex – the smartest, biggest, scariest and hot dog-loving hybrid dinosaur ever created!

That point is simply illustrating that Lilith is gating f2p players from the broken crap they've released recently.I have sylphi, and I'm not complaining about my inability to have her if I didn't. Yes, I remember the old system, but I wasn't spending anymore than monthly diamonds at that point, so it went largely unnoticed for me.What you haven't noticed the new item purchases and the $200 ridiculous bonuses they've added in? Sure, it'd be stupid to purchase them, but someone must be doing it or Lilith wouldn't post them repeatedly.It appears at this point, that some of the more absurd CS/box heroes won't become available in shops until they've been milked for all they are worth via purchase bonuses. You're right, I'm making an assumption there, but in only a few more months we do hit unprecedented lengths of time for these heroes not to be in shops.It is what it is I guess, I haven't spent money on the game in a long time, but I'm still perfectly capable of and allowed to make deductions based off of the way the money side of the game has been operating for awhile now.

Dragon eternity register game. Not really sure why this got the Salt/Rage tag. I clearly wasn't raging in my original post. Oh well.Anyway, I went back and looked at the Li Twins and yes, it took Lilith 9 months to get them into a store. So this means that if we don't get Sylphi next month, she'll be the longest they've gone without releasing a Conjuring Stone hero. (And I started in May 2016, a month before Li Twins were added to the game)I hope that you're right and she'll be released soon, and we'll see a regular release of '9 month old' Conjuring Stone heroes after that.

Again, I don't care if it takes 9 months for them to show up, I just want to know that they will - at some point - be released the stores. Oh I have Sylphi, Gorum, Okron and Vulko and I know that makes me part of the problem. I threw tons of gems at Gold chests back when they were having the Jade promotions to pick Sylphi, and then bought into that one promotion where you got three 'Pick a hero' chests to get the rest.I suppose there is an argument to be made that there are enough heroes to allow for 'exclusive' heroes IF they weren't so clearly pushed on the power level. Goram at basic 3 Star is better than a ton of heroes at 7. I use him over my 7-Star Awakened Tholin everywhere.It is clearly an effective money making technique, but it didn't feel as 'dirty' knowing that if just waited long enough, you get a chance to feel the power as well.