Dinopark Tycoon Free

Dinopark Tycoon Free Average ratng: 3,8/5 7530 votes
Dino park tycoon free

Dinopark Tycoon is an old dos game, published in 1993 by MECC. Main genre of this old game is strategy. We gave this game stunning rating of 68 and you can download it for free right here.

After Iwrote the first version I did some more research (I mean I called this a guideso some more details should be a good thing). Furthermore after some research I found out that some of the stuff Iwrote in the first version were not like I wrote so that mistakes are removed nowtoo.

I may update this again if I find some more information, if I do so I will addthe date in this section.Usuallythis guide was supposed to be posted on gamefaqs. But because I don't want todo hours of research to find out how to format the guides the right way (Sinceyou cant just post it from your text file and have to write all in ASCII andre-formate it I had a problem with a topic which just wasn't formatted as Iwanted it to be). After several tries I gave it up and decided just post thisguide here. I am not taking any offence on gamefaqs, I like it and I frequentlyvisit this site, I just didn't have the patience to post my guidethere.

I remember when I was a kid I played this game.but never succesfully. Now Ifound the game on an abandonware-site and started to play again. The game stillwas hard to beat on the honest way (we all know about the auction trick forcountless money.but thats cheating).So I started to look through the web to find a guide or at least somehints.and I found out that these are kinda rare for this game. And if you arelooking for a detailed guide you won't even be able to find anything.

So Idecided to write my own little guide to show you how to get some better resultson the honest way of playing the game (without cheating). There also should bea file called 'quickstart' if you click on LOAD GAME.then you have2 or 3 dinosaurs, some staff and 20.000 bucks. But I won't write about this wayof starting the game here.this guide is for the people who want to starttheir Dinopark from the scratch. General facts/hints-Ever started a park and failed even before the first year ended? This canhappen because of several reasons. Here you have some hints that make your parkmuch easier to handle:1.

Put Dinosaurs into the right environmentH ave you ever wondered why sometimes your Dinosaurs tend to break out much moreoften? This happens because many people don't watch the Dinosaur data. Lookinto the information about the Dinosaur. On the bottom you see in which areathey were living.

Always try to stick with the ones who really lived in thearea you picked at the start. Don't put a desert Dino into marsh area. He willtend to break out much more often. Note that this will get more and more unimportant when you continue in the game and from about year 3 even the right Dinosaurs will break out really often.

But in the Beginning of your game (for the first 2 years or sth.) this has a big effect on your breakout-rate.EDIT:, wrong 2. Always keep some moneyAnother point that can lead to an unexpected bankrupt. At the beginning keepabout 5.000$ for the case of an unexpected Dino-Escape. Furthermore be preparedfor the bad quarters later in the game. They really let your income drop down. In year one youare still expanding so you won't recognize this effect that much.

But from year2 you really have to be prepared for these bad quarters. Check the staff listfor monthly staff expenses and try to hold back money for being able to paythem for a few Months without income. The rest of the amount should becovered by the visitors. If needed, fire some people and rehire them whenbetter times begin, you won't need them during the weak months.3. Storm boy movie montclair nj. Watch the messagesMost of the time the game will tell you when somehting is not right. If you geta message on the screen about missing staff/food/whatever ALWAYS ANDIMMEDIATELY take care of this problem.4. “Dinosaur has disappeared”-EventsBy speaking about these events I mean situations where you get a message thatone of your Dinosaurs is gone because of a random reason.

There are 3 differenttypes of these events:A - Poor Maintenance =this is caused by missing maintenance people -First possible occur at the end of first quarter of year 1B - Dino Breakout = this is caused randomly, but the chance can belowered by the strength of the fences. Additionally it can be hugely loweredby putting the dinosaur into its natural environment.EDIT:, wrong Furthermore these seem tonever occur before end of first quarter in year 1 (well.with the metal fence!;D). Keep in mind that even with all the best fences+electrics, putting theDinosaur into the right area and having enough maintenace will neverprevent these outbreaks for 100%.C - Random Events =this is caused randomly. (Dinosaur stolen etc).

Idon't know if you can take an influence on this. They seem to occur frombeginning of year 3. Note thatthere are much more events that mayhappen during your game. But since thispart is only a startup guide I just list the most important you have to dealwith. You can find a complete list within the “in-depth”-Section.5. Don't put middle/big sized carnivores and herbivores next to eachotherThere is a chance the carnivores will eat the herbivores.

Same goes for big andsmall carnivores. The big ones may eat the small ones. A Good way to solve thisis to put the middle/big-sized carnivores into the three cages at the lowerright corner of your park (marked red). The right pricingAnother important point is the entrance of your park. I made the experiencethat you make the best profits if you take an entrance of 5$. This way you willcover your expenses and still attract enough visitors to come into your park.7. Many people = many moneyWhatever you do, your first goal with a new park should be the full parkingsupgrade.

These upgrades raise the number of people who are able to visit yourpark.which raises your income;)EDIT: Just partly True. Just go for parkings level 2 at this point, more in the in-depth-section8.

Uprade with the right timingAfter the parkings lvl 2 are done don't buy all of the food store and Gift shopupgrades right away. To make them profitable you need more visitors first. Agood Strategy is to uprade these once everytime you bought 2 new dinosaurs. Becausemore Dinosaurs lure more people to your park.EDIT:, just partly true A good strategy at this point is to get food store lvl 1, then gift store lvl 1, then go for parkings lvl 3 before uprading them any further. By clicking on this you will get informations if you have enough employees for your park to run at its current maximun potential.

Be aware that the game won't tell you if you have too many employees. It just tells you if some1 is missing.10. Don't expand to fastYou will loose really fast if you expand too fast. Don't buy all the pens and fill them with dinosaurs as soon as you have your first bigger amount of money. Try to concentrate on the good quarters (always do an expansion the moment the last bad quarter ends so that you take your new attractions through every day of the good and best quarters to earn money for you). And if you expand, never buy more than 2 Dinosaurs at a time. The more Dinosaurs you have the more costs you have to face for feeding, employees, Breakout-replacing and so on.

Furthermore the bigger your park gets the more you have to pay to hold your park during the bad months.EDIT:, wrong Expand! Just keep an eye on the costs and don´t overdo it (don`t forget to always keep the 'replacement-amount' which you should raise to 10.000 as soon as you have more than 2 Dinos) and be sure to have parkings lvl 3 and gift shop + food store lvl 2 and flyers+newspapers permanently running.11. Season-JobsIf your park has reached a certain size it is efficient to fire some of your employees (Confessionaires/ Security) during the bad quarters. Not really a nice action to fire your people but you can save a lot of money by doing this.12. The right Dinosaurs at the right timeYoushould always mind about the running costs (food) for the Dinosaurs.Herbivores are much cheaper than carnivores.

Small Dinosaurs are cheaperthan the Big ones. If you buy a few big Dinosaurs without thinkingabout the running costs first this can cause some serious financialproblems, especially if your Park still is in the early years.13.

Always do advertisingThiscan greatly raise your visitor numbers. It's the most effective if youuse the big campaigns during the good quarters. Besides that you shouldALWAYS buy the Flyers and Newspapers from the moment you did the lastparkings upgrade.EDIT: Never do TV-Adds. Not worth the cost!

Picking the areaSo you clicked NEW GAME and now a little dinosaur wants you to visit thebuilding where you can buy the cages (the ground to build them on). If you comehere for the first time you will also have to decide in which area you want tobuild your park. Don't just randomly pick one.

This game also is asimulation.so you first have to decide what dinosaurs you want to have later.Why? I think you all know the situation when you bought a dinosaur, you don'thave much money and the dinosaur breaks out.BUT: That won't happen that oftenif you put the Dinosaurs into their natural environment. The Deinonychus forexample lives in desert. So if you plan to have one of these you should pickthe desert and he will rarely break out.EDIT:, wrong 2. Buy/unlock a cageAs the topic said.do it. Back to the 'Street'.3. Buy a fenceBack on the street you see the little dinosaur again.

He leads us into theshop. This is an important building which we will visit a lot!;) Click onFENCES. Now you come to a point where many people (including me some days ago;D) already fail: They use the wooden fences.

And these are easy to break forevery dinosaur, even for the smallest ones. Sure, sometimes you may have luckand the fence works long enough until the first goal you need to reach fast tobe successfull is reached (parkings upgrade). We take the metal fence and go forsure! Back to the streets.4.

StaffThe little Dinosaur again.he leads us to the place where we hire ouremployees. Hire 1 tour guide for now. The first DinosaurNow we are thrown into the building in which we can buy our dinosaurs. At thispoint you should take cheapest dinosaur which was living in such an area.Hypsiliphodon in desert, Ornithomimus in marsh, and if you picked plains takethe Orni too.

Set off the first alarm, stop Sonic in the middle of it, and do a Spin-Dash attack. The flybots will continue to attack, and eventually their value will increase to 10,000 points! Walkthrough Every five flybots will gain you a life and, if you're patient enough, you can earn up to 99 lives!

He doesnt really fit here but our first dinosaur has to be cheap (the metal fence will hold him for long enough, don't worry;) ).Besides that its better to take a herbivore as the first dinosaur since plantunits are much cheaper than meat for a carnivore.EDIT: 6. Feed your new AttractionBack on the streets our little friend now leads us to the dino food shop. Buyjust 8-10 of the cheapest plant units. Note that you can also feed yourdinosaurs with growing saplings so buy some of them too (don’t let them run outand you will really save money with plant food).7.

Set the PricesNow we are asked to visit the last building. Here you can look intostatistics, check your inventory, set the prices and get some usefull hintsfrom time to time. For now, we click the book and set the entrance price on 5$. I tried a few prices and with this one you should have enough visitors (itsnot that expensive) and still earn enough to keep your park going. I for onenever failed when using this price;)8.

Open your parkNow its time to let the visitors in. Click where the little Dinosaur wants youto do. After you opened your park just wait.9. Preventing a break outSince you just started the only possible breakout at the moment is themainenance-breakout (A). And because you are low on money we save it until thelast moment.

Wait until beginning of march, then hire a maintenance. This wayyou save 2 months of loan and still prevent the first possible maintenancebreakout which can occur when march ends10. Patience!Now wait. The first goal should be the parkings lvl1. This raises the numberof people that are able to visit our park. So do nothing (except rebuyingfood/saplings for your dinosaur.but dont throw all money into the food.Better buy regularly all 6 - 8 weeks EDIT: and in addition, if you`re playing in marsh area I would recommend to start with flyers as soon as you have about 6.000-7.000$ since here you start out in the weak months) Since you never now when a breakoutoccurs you should wait with the first update until you have like 15.000$(always save 5.000$ to replace the metal fence and dinosaur in case of abreakout). The time it takes to save thefirst 15.000 is up to the area you pick at the start because all areas havetheir good and bad quarters in a different season.11.

Park-TuningIf you have bought the first parking upgrade you will recognize your moneygrowing faster than before. But don't get hasty now. We wait again for another15.000$. This should take much less waiting time. Don't even think about takinganother update just because you have some money now. Stick with the strategy of upgrading the parkings to lvl2 first. This is because the more people can visityour park the more money you earn.

Besides that: With this upgrade thefood store and the gift shop show their full potential. Its more effective towait with these until the parkings lvl2 are done. Right after the second upgradewait for the third one (save 15.000$ again).

The waiting time between thesecond and the third should be really short.After this is done, go for the food store uprade next (just one upgrade) andalso start some advertising (just flyers for now, and you have to renew thisevery quarter so do regularly from now on) and still always try to hold back5.000$ in case of a dino escape (dont forget to hire a concession for the foodstore after you bought this upgrade).Next one after that should be the gift shop and the rest rooms (gift store just1 upgrade, rest room 1, AND you need another concession for the giftshop).12. Patience again More park tuningAfter you have bought the gift shop you should have reached a point where youearn a good amount of money. EDIT: Now it`s time for parkings lvl 3. Again -15.000$ to save but this time this shouldn't take long. With the parkings lvl 3 done you should go for food store and gift shop lvl 2 now, then you also can do the rest rooms lvl 2. Not save it fora while (until you own about 20-30.000$).

Then its time for new dinosaurs. But don't overdo it, 1 or 2 more is enough for now.

Youshould go for a small/middle sized herbivore again. Furthermore you should startto build walls from now on and also add the newspaper to the advertising (alsokeep the flyers going).13. Voila!If you followed all these steps you should now have a running park and a goodamount of income. If you just wait some months now you should already be ableto join the top of the highscore list when you sell your park. From this point feel free todo whatever you want.

Plains: TreesThe upgrades and the order in which you should buy themEDIT: Parkings 1 - Parkings 2 - Food store 1 - Rest rooms 1 - Gift Shop 1 - Parkings 3 - Food Store 2 - Gift Shop 2 - Rest Rooms 2 - Up to you from hereWiththese you have a fast expansion in the early game. But becausethe situations may differ after these you have to decide the other ones byyou own.

Note that buying the food store/gift shop won't generate anyrunning costs as long as you don't have a concession for each of these.So if you do these Upgrades and see that you have more running coststhan income with the level 2/3 Gift shop or food store just fire theconcessions working in these. Besides this you can't do anything wronghere so just upgrade your park as you want.EDIT: Stuff about StaffStaff effetivenes always multiplies with 3: 1 Maintenance for 3 pens, 1 Tour guide for 3 Dinosaurs and so on. No data about managers but since they `re needed as soon as you have 5 people I guess their capacity is 15 employees. If you are on the street or in your office and you click on the shopping cart you can feed the dinosaur which appears from behind the info tables with the nut to get 1$ (works just 3 times in a row)- No need to click the picture/the Egg and then the 'buy'-butten everytime. Just double-click. Click a third time to skip the 'egg-animation'- The above also goes for the store, just double click to buy- Time passes faster when you are on the 'Street-Screen'- If you want to know what day it is just click the small calendar at the bottom of the Screen, besides this is the only way to pause the game.

Now wait until the next quarter change. You will see a little sign'Auction today' on the lower left corner of the screen. Click it.- Wait until your Dinosaur is selected for sale- Now wait for some of the people there to make a bid. Right after the firstbid for your dinosaur was made do the following: Click on the dinosaur-info(question mark) and leave the info again.now check the amount.it raised alittle without someone making another bidding. You can repeat this until youhave the amount you want to have.

Let the auction end to get the amount. But beaware that at some point it starts with the original amount again.Auction Start. Tour Guide Cheat(From the Abandonia-Forums, haven't tried this one out)- Start new game-Hire 99 Tour guides when asked to hire an employee-when they start quitting, fire them, if you fire them faster then they quit you`ll get a negative amount of emplyees leading to regularly getting money instead of having to pay-Credits-DaKayOne (me)- UrethraFranklin from the Abandonia forumsNOTE: You are allowed to copy this guide as long as you credit me!! For youpeople from gamefaqs.com: You also are invited to take this Guide for your sitesince you don't have one yet and it usually was supposed to be postedthere.you are also allowed to edit it.but as I said, do not forget to credit me!;DLink to the Game.